Air Traffic Control Entities
Air traffic Control Entities
This weeks blog I will be discussing air traffic control entities. More specifically, I will be discussing ARTCC and ATC Clearance Delivery which are both parts of a large variety of safety entities that make up all of air traffic control entities. ARTCC stands for Air Route Traffic Control Center (Air Traffic Control Center, n.d.). Both of the air traffic control entities provide air safety and security in different forms. I will be discussing the similarities and differences between the two air traffic control entities.
ATC Clearance Delivery is an airtraffic controller whos purpose is to coordinate with other ATC facilities and allow pilots permission for flight or flight clearance. Clearance delivery is very important for aircraft safety mainly while in the air. When providing clearance the ATC deliverer will provide the pilot with the destination, altitude appropriate for departing from the airport, the appropriate altitude at a specific point in time that is usually 10 minutes after take off, and the transponder code (Microsoft flight Simulator Handbook n.d.). These elements are crucial to flying especially in heavily trafficked airspace. The risk of air collision or loss of separation from the aircraft is significantly increased if these procedures were to fail. This creates a very dangerous situation for pilots of all aircraft in the controlled airspace because the location of the aircraft is now lost.
Air Route Traffic Control Centers are used to direct aircraft with an IFR (Instrument flight rule flight plans) within controlled airspace (Air Traffic Control Center, n.d.). The ATC Clearance is a part of this and is usually located in the control center. There jobs are very similar, but the ARTCC doesn't provide clearance it only directs other aircraft in the airspace to there designated
Home. (n.d.). Retrieved June 09, 2021, from
Microsoft flight Simulator Handbook. (n.d.). Retrieved June 09, 2021, from
Skybrary wiki. (n.d.). Retrieved June 09, 2021, from
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